Combat-Related Special Compensation

Who is eligible for free legal help applying for CRSC through NVLSP's Lawyers Serving Warriors® program?

To be eligible for free legal assistance through NVLSP's Lawyers Serving Warriors® program, (1) a veteran must either have been medically retired for disability (including those who were placed on the Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL)) or have been retired from the military after completing a sufficient number of years of service to be eligible for longevity retirement (at least 20 years), and (2) be entitled to service-connected disability compensation from the VA, and (3) believe that one or more of the disabilities that have been service connected by the VA are combat-related.

How do I request legal assistance from NVLSP's Lawyers Serving Warriors® program?

Click here to provide us with your contact information and preliminary information
If you qualify, we will provide you an application form to complete and return to us along with a copy of your DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty.) If you do not have a copy of your DD Form 214, follow the instructions below to request a copy from the National Archives.

Can I apply for free legal assistance through NVLSP's Lawyers Serving Warriors® program if I do not have a copy of my DD Form 214?
No. To request assistance, you must submit a copy of your DD Form 214 to us along with our application. If you do not have a copy of your DD Form 214, follow the instructions below to request a copy from the National Archives.

What other documentation will be helpful for the LSW team when reviewing my application?
Copies of recent VA rating decisions that list the conditions the VA has determined are service-connected, any previous applications to a CRSC Board that show what conditions you have applied for in the past and if any of those conditions have been approved for CRSC, and if you were medically retired from the military, military orders demonstrating a permanent disability retirement (if applicable), and copies of documentation from your participation in the Disability Evaluation System(DES), mainly findings from the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB), and Physical Evaluation Board (PEB).

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