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NVLSP Press Releases
On February 11, 2019, the U.S. District Court Southern District of Texas granted class certification in a lawsuit filed by the National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) on behalf of Mr. Simon Soto and approximately 3,600 Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force vets who were granted Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC) but denied the full amount of retroactive CRSC because the military illegally imposed a 6-year ceiling on the amount it would pay in retroactive CRSC. [more]
Released 2/25/19 | Tags:
-Seeking to Overrule Auer Doctrine for Dept. of Veterans Affairs Regulations-
The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP), in partnership with the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the National Law School Veterans Clinics Consortium (NLSVCC), Protect Our Defenders (POD), and Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN), yesterday filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in the case of Kisor v. Wilkie. The brief was filed with the pro bono assistance of Williams & Connolly LLP. [more]
Released 2/1/19 | Tags: Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), Veteran's Benefits
The National Veterans Legal Services Program today announced the addition of Paul Wright as Deputy Executive Director, a new position for the organization. [more]
Released 1/31/19 | Tags:
The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) today hailed the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Procopio v. Wilkie which extends the presumption of Agent Orange exposure to all veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam, on land or on the territorial seas. [more]
Released 1/29/19 | Tags: Agent Orange, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Veteran's Benefits
NVLSP Asks Federal Court to Order VA to Send Corrections to All Veterans Wrongly Informed About the Reimbursement Entitlement Criteria and to Reinstate Their Claims
On New Year’s Day, the National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) filed a class action lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) accusing the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) of sending false information throughout 2018 to tens of thousands of veterans who had applied for VA reimbursement of emergency medical expenses they incurred at non-VA facilities. The lawsuit, filed with the pro bono assistance of Sidley Austin LLP, asserts that the VA has a practice and policy of informing these veterans – falsely – that they cannot qualify for any reimbursement if they have partial coverage for their emergency medical expenses under a health plan contract. This VA representation is inaccurate, according to NVLSP, because it directly violates the binding decision issued by the CAVC in 2016 in Staab v. Shulkin, which invalidated a VA regulation because it prohibited reimbursement if the veteran had partial coverage under a health care plan. [more]
Released 1/2/19 | Tags: Class Actions, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Veteran's Benefits
National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) executive director and co-founder Bart Stichman was dismayed at the findings of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report on disability exams conducted by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the need for performance analysis and training oversight for Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) contractors. [more]
Released 11/16/18 | Tags: Veteran's Benefits
-Sets Record in Fundraising and Attendance-
The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) raised over $600,000 at its Tenth Annual Benefit Reception on November 8. Themed “Honoring Women Veterans – Leading from the Front,” the annual benefit raised resources that will enable NVLSP’s team of legal experts to assist our nation’s veterans and service members. The reception and one-hour program provided an opportunity to honor those who have made significant contributions to improving the lives of our veterans and their families. [more]
Released 11/13/18 | Tags: Supporters
National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) today announced Kayla M. Williams as master of ceremonies of its Tenth Annual Benefit Reception, “Honoring Women Veterans - Leading from The Front,” on November 8 at The Mayflower Hotel. Williams, a former U.S. Army Sergeant, is a nationally recognized military and women veterans advocate, as well as accomplished author. [more]
Released 11/2/18 | Tags:
Latest salvo is a class action, in ongoing 8-year battle to get VA to comply with the law
The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) filed a class action lawsuit today in the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) against the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert Wilkie. The suit, filed with the pro-bono assistance of Sidley Austin LLP, is the latest chapter in an 8-year saga to get the VA to honor its obligations to reimburse veterans for emergency medical expenses incurred at non-VA facilities. [more]
Released 10/30/18 | Tags: Class Actions, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Supporters, Veteran's Benefits
- New Staff in Litigation, Training and Communications-
National Veterans Legal Services Program’s (NVLSP) announced six new additions to staff in litigation, training and communications.
“We are thrilled to continue to grow our organization and welcome outstanding new staff to our exceptional team,” said Bart Stichman, executive director of NVLSP. “Our growth allows us advance the mission of NVLSP to help veterans receive the benefits they rightfully deserve.” [more]
Released 10/29/18 | Tags: